CEO Accused of Groping Employee and Shoving Meat in Her Face

Kiwi Camara, the youngest-ever Harvard Law graduate and founder of legal tech firm CS Disco, has been accused of sexual misconduct, including groping a female employee and shoving roasted meat into her face during a dinner.

Camara resigned last week, but CS Disco initially downplayed his departure, stating it was unrelated to any operational or policy disagreements. However, the Wall Street Journal has since reported on a troubling series of misconduct allegations, with company sources telling the newspaper that the board is investigating accusations of sexual assault against a female staffer during a company dinner on September 6.

Former and current employees have described a pattern of behavior involving alcohol-fueled social events hosted by the CEO. On the evening in question, Camara reportedly encouraged employees to consume tequila shots during a happy hour before inviting a select group to dinner.

Witnesses claim he aggressively pushed food into the face of a young female worker, insisting she eat it “like an animal” and also groped her.

Witnesses also told the WSJ that Camara attempted to persuade the visibly uncomfortable employee to return to his condo. Staffers promptly reported the incident to CS Disco’s head of human resources, and it’s not the first time such complaints have arisen.

Last year, concerns about Camara’s behavior towards female staff, including hiring practices, social gatherings, and inappropriate comments, were allegedly submitted to the company’s ethics hotline. These allegations were investigated, but the outcomes remain undisclosed.

Neither CS Disco nor Camara responded to Fortune’s request for comment.

Additional accusations suggest that Camara had a troubling approach to hiring female receptionists based on their appearance and pressured young employees in the Emerging Leader Rotational Program into socializing. Some likened the experience to the TV show “Love Island.”

A former ELRP associate told WSJ that Camara used his position of power to pressure the young staffers into conforming: “He’d say stuff like, ‘I’ll fire you if you don’t do things my way.’”

The allegations against Camara are a stark reminder that even the most successful CEOs are not immune to misconduct. It is also a reminder that companies need to have robust policies and procedures in place to prevent and address sexual harassment and assault.

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