Friend No More: Matthew Perry’s Stepfather Reveals Heartbreaking Details

Just months after the world mourned the loss of beloved actor Matthew Perry, his stepfather Keith Morrison sheds light on his final days and the enduring pain of his absence.

Matthew Perry

A Father Figure Opens Up: Finding Solace in Shared Memories

Keith, who married Matthew’s mother Suzanne in 1981, spoke candidly on Hoda Kotb’s podcast “Making Spaces.” While acknowledging the ever-present grief, he shares a glimmer of comfort: “Toward the end, they [Matthew and Suzanne] were closer than I’d seen in decades.”

A Life Interrupted: A Third Act Cut Short

Despite the positive strides in his relationship with his mother, Keith laments the unfinished chapter in Matthew’s life. “He was happy…and hadn’t said that for a long time,” he reveals. Keith acknowledges the missed opportunities, “He didn’t get to have his third act, and that’s not fair.”

Living with the Legacy: A Void Filled with Memories

Hoda’s question about feeling Matthew’s presence resonates with the profound loss. Keith’s reply paints a picture of a man who left an undeniable mark: “He was goofy, funny…even silent, he commanded attention. That’s gone, but the echo of it lingers.”

A Relentless Battle: Remembering Matthew’s Struggles

Keith acknowledges Matthew’s openness about his addiction, a “disease he felt he was beating, but you never truly do,” as Keith states. This resonates with Perry’s public battles with substance abuse.

A Legacy of Hope: Helping Others Through Loss

In the wake of this tragedy, the family has established a foundation in Matthew’s name. “The goal,” Keith explains, “is to aid organizations that support those struggling in difficult situations, to get them the help they need.”

Matthew Perry’s absence leaves a void in the hearts of many. His stepfather’s words offer a glimpse into the personal side of this loss, while highlighting the ongoing fight against addiction and the importance of seeking help.

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