Joe Biden’s Strategic Moves to Court Taylor Swift and Her Fans: Privacy Protections and Tackling TicketMaster Fees

As the 2024 election season heats up, President Joe Biden is making calculated moves that seem aimed at winning over the influential fanbase of pop icon Taylor Swift. The President has taken significant steps to address privacy concerns and financial burdens that resonate deeply with Swifties, all while Taylor Swift herself remains diplomatically neutral in the political arena.

Joe Biden Is Attempting To Get On Taylor Swift

Biden’s Legislative Moves to Protect Swift’s Privacy

Taylor Swift has long been a target of intense public scrutiny, and her use of a private jet has been a particular point of controversy. Recently, Biden signed a bill that directly impacts Swift’s situation by allowing private aircraft owners to anonymize their registration information. This amendment, part of the Federal Aviation Administration re-authorization bill, effectively prevents the tracking of private jets like Swift’s.

This legislative change came at a crucial time for Swift, who has faced criticism over her frequent jet usage. Yahoo Entertainment reported, “An amendment in the Federal Aviation Administration re-authorization bill that was passed last week will allow private aircraft owners to anonymize their registration information. President Joe Biden signed the FAA bill into law on May 16th, after it passed in the Senate 88-4 and the House 387 to 26.” This move ensures that Swift and others can enjoy increased privacy, shielding them from unwanted public and media attention.

Tackling TicketMaster Fees: A Win for Swifties

In addition to privacy protections, Biden has targeted a major issue that affects Swift’s fans directly: the exorbitant fees associated with purchasing concert tickets. TicketMaster has long been criticized for its high fees, which have made attending concerts prohibitively expensive for many fans. Biden’s administration has taken steps to eliminate these “junk fees,” aiming to make concert-going more affordable.

NPR highlighted Biden’s stance, “[Biden’s] not saying junk fees are bad — period,” the official said. “He’s using it to tell the broader story about competition and the need to make sure there’s a fair and level playing field for businesses, to make sure that people understand what they’re getting upfront.” This initiative is a clear attempt to align with the interests of everyday Americans, particularly those who feel squeezed by corporate practices.

Biden himself echoed this sentiment, stating, “The American people are tired of being played for suckers. No matter how much money you make, no matter how rich or poor or middle class you are, you don’t like being taken advantage of.” By tackling these fees, Biden not only scores points with Swifties but also with a broader audience frustrated by corporate greed.

The Push for Swift’s Endorsement

Despite Biden’s strategic moves, Taylor Swift has yet to formally endorse him. This isn’t entirely surprising, given Swift’s diverse and expansive fanbase. However, the pressure is mounting from various quarters for Swift to take a political stand. Hollywood director Rob Reiner recently took to social media to urge Swift to endorse Biden, stating, “I’m in the midst of shooting a sequel to This is Spinal Tap. As much as I’d like Taylor Swift to do a cameo in the film, I’d give anything for her to endorse Joe Biden. She would virtually single-handedly save American Democracy.”

It’s worth noting that Swift did support Biden during his 2020 campaign, a stark contrast to her stance on former President Donald Trump. However, as of now, she has not made a public endorsement for the upcoming election. Swift appears focused on her European tour, choosing to remain politically neutral in a time of heightened partisanship.


President Biden’s recent legislative efforts to protect Taylor Swift’s privacy and tackle exorbitant ticket fees are clear attempts to win favor with the pop star and her extensive fanbase. While these moves have undoubtedly made waves, Swift’s endorsement remains elusive. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether Swift will once again step into the political fray or maintain her current stance of neutrality. Either way, Biden’s actions highlight his administration’s commitment to addressing issues that resonate with everyday Americans and influential cultural figures alike.

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