Maestro Magic: Bradley Cooper & Carey Mulligan Dish Spielberg, Brad Pitt & Oscar Dreams!

Oscar fever is heating up, and “Maestro” stars Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan are radiating joy at the 2024 Nominees Luncheon! Spilling the tea on their Spielberg-directed masterpiece, their unexpected Brad Pitt encounter, and what that golden statue would mean, this duo is pure award season gold.

radley Cooper & Carey Mulligan Dish Spielberg, Brad Pitt

Spielberg’s Love Symphony: Both gushed about working with the legendary director. Cooper described it as “joyous,” highlighting Spielberg’s “love and exuded Lenny” spirit that set the film’s tone. Mulligan echoed the sentiment, calling it “a span of… six years, and to have had that much pleasure from one job for so long is really amazing.”

From Film to Fan Connection: While awards recognition is fantastic, Cooper shared the true reward lies in audience connection. “The experience I’ll walk away from is the living of the movie, and then the benefit is… that hopefully it connects with people,” he said.

Brad Pitt’s Surprise (and Jokes): Carey revealed a hilarious Brad Pitt encounter at the Santa Barbara Film Festival where he honored Cooper. “I didn’t know how to talk to him, so I didn’t,” she admitted, before describing his surprise tap on her shoulder and greeting. Cooper chimed in, “He’s amazing. It meant a lot to me that Carey and Brad both came.”

Oscar Dreams & Dates: With “Maestro” bagging seven nominations, Cooper confessed, “Honestly, being here is what matters… the fact that we’re even able to be in this photograph today, it’s everything.” As for the big night, he’ll be bringing his mom, while Carey will have her husband by her side.

Stay tuned! Will “Maestro” conduct an Oscar symphony? We’ll be watching with anticipation!

#Oscars2024 #Maestro #BradleyCooper #CareyMulligan #Spielberg #BradPitt #AwardSeason

P.S. Remember, this is just a dramatized version of the story for entertainment purposes. Stay respectful and objective in your own discussions!

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