Allegations of Sexual Assault and Trafficking: Lawsuit Targets James L. Dolan and Harvey Weinstein

Massage therapist Kellye Croft accuses MSG owner James Dolan of sexual assault

A bombshell lawsuit has been filed against James L. Dolan, the influential chairman and CEO behind Madison Square Garden, and the disgraced convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein. The plaintiff, Kellye Croft, a former masseuse on an Eagles tour a decade ago, alleges sexual assault, human trafficking, and negligence, opening a legal battle that implicates multiple high-profile figures. This article analyzes the intricacies of the case, shedding light on the disturbing events surrounding Dolan and Weinstein.

MSG Exec James Dolan, Harvey Weinstein Sued for Sexual Assault

The Allegations:

In the lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, Croft accuses Dolan of enticing her into a sexual relationship and subsequently orchestrating her involvement in the Eagles tour, where she claims Weinstein sexually assaulted her. The suit details the events of January 21, 2014, when Weinstein allegedly attacked Croft in her hotel room. Croft further asserts that when she reported the assault to Dolan, he displayed unsympathetic behavior, describing Weinstein as a “troubled person.”

Legal Responses:

In response to the allegations, E. Danya Perry, representing James Dolan, vehemently denies the claims, asserting that there is no merit to the accusations. Perry contends that the references to Weinstein are meant to inflame and appear borrowed from previous cases against the convicted rapist. She characterizes the lawsuit as an act of retaliation from an attorney who has failed to secure judgments against Dolan in the past.

Douglas H. Wigdor, the attorney representing Croft, disputes Dolan’s assertions, refuting claims of fabricated rape allegations and emphasizing that Dolan was aware of Weinstein’s predatory behavior. The legal battle is poised to unfold in court, with both sides presenting their evidence.

Weinstein’s Role:

The lawsuit implicates Weinstein in the alleged assault, adding another layer to the disgraced film producer’s criminal history. Currently serving a 23-year prison sentence for sex crimes, Weinstein faces new accusations in connection with Croft’s case. His lawyer, Jennifer Bonjean, vehemently denies the meritless allegations, expressing confidence that the truth will be revealed in court.

Dolan’s Influence and Music Ventures:

The lawsuit underscores Dolan’s influence not only as the CEO of Madison Square Garden but also as a musician. Dolan’s band, JD and the Straight Shot, was preparing for a tour opening for the Eagles when the events unfolded. The suit alleges that Dolan played a pivotal role in Croft’s recruitment as a masseuse for Glenn Frey, the late Eagles member.

The Fallout:

Croft’s allegations have far-reaching consequences, not only for Dolan and Weinstein but also for Irving Azoff and associated entities, who are named as defendants in the suit. The accusations of human trafficking, sexual assault, and negligence paint a grim picture of the alleged events that transpired a decade ago.


As the legal battle unfolds, the case against James L. Dolan and Harvey Weinstein brings to light the pervasive issue of sexual assault and abuse of power within the entertainment industry. Croft’s courage in coming forward demands a thorough examination of the allegations, with potential implications for the careers and reputations of those involved. The trial will provide a platform for justice, accountability, and, perhaps, a broader conversation about the need for systemic change in confronting such pervasive issues.

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