Nicole Brown Simpson’s Sisters Speak Out: 30 Years Later, the Pain and Rage Endure

In a heartfelt and emotional interview with Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, Nicole Brown Simpson’s sisters, Tanya, Dominique, and Denise, opened up about their enduring grief and the tragic loss they still grapple with 30 years after Nicole’s brutal murder.

Nicole Brown Simpson O.J. Simpson

“30 Years of Rage and Heartbreak”

Reflecting on how they’ve coped with the immense sorrow and unresolved grief, Tanya, 54, revealed, “A lot of therapy. It was rough. Unresolved grief. Everything hit me hard 10 years later.” Dominique, 59, added, “Sometimes I would think, ‘Gosh, I am just staggeringly sad today.’ And I would realize that it was the day she was murdered, or it was her birthday or something, or some memory would come up.” Denise, 66, shared, “The pain doesn’t go away, it doesn’t subside, doesn’t get easier. But you do the best you can, and you move on. And it’s one step forward.”

A New Documentary: “The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson”

The upcoming documentary series The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, airing June 1 and 2 on Lifetime, promises to give viewers a deeper understanding of Nicole’s life. Denise emphasized the importance of this series, saying, “It is the voice of Nicole we wanted to hear, because so many people said, ‘We don’t even know what her voice sounds like. Who is Nicole?’ So, I hope they get a true sense of who Nicole is in this documentary.”

Remembering Nicole’s Turbulent Relationship with O.J. Simpson

The sisters didn’t shy away from discussing the domestic violence Nicole endured during her relationship with O.J. Simpson. They met in 1977 when Nicole was just 18 and working as a waitress, while O.J. was 30 and a high-profile celebrity. They married in 1985, had two children, Sydney and Justin, and divorced in 1992. Denise recalls discovering a Polaroid of Nicole with a bruised face, which Nicole attributed to a makeup artist. It was only later that Denise realized the bruises were real.

Dominique shared a chilling discovery of Nicole’s diaries, “I found her will, her diaries, just stacked in a box underneath the kitchen cabinet with the kids’ artwork and a bunch of other stuff… It wasn’t next to her bed where she might write, where he might look. It wasn’t under her mattress.”

Diane Sawyer read some of the diary entries aloud, revealing disturbing details of the abuse. One entry recounted an early attack: “He threw a fit, chased me, grabbed me, threw me into walls.” Another entry mentioned a “possible skull fracture” that Nicole had claimed was from a bicycle accident. Nicole also documented verbal abuse, noting that O.J. had called her “disgusting” and a “fat pig” while she was pregnant.

source Los Angeles Times

The Tragic End

On June 12, 1994, Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman were found murdered outside her Brentwood home. O.J. Simpson was arrested and charged with the murders but was acquitted in a highly publicized trial. O.J. passed away in April 2024 after battling cancer.

Reflecting on O.J.’s Death

When asked by Diane Sawyer if O.J.’s death had a profound impact on them, Dominique said, “It is very confusing, it is very complicated, but I have a relationship with the kids that means everything to me, and I was very, very sad for them.” Denise echoed her sentiments, adding, “For them.”

Tune in to Good Morning America on Wednesday for more of Diane’s in-depth interview with the Brown sisters, where they continue to share their powerful journey of grief, remembrance, and resilience.

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