Pete Davidson’s VHS Tape Investment Scheme: Genius or Madness?

Pete Davidson is known for his many talents, including his stand-up comedy, his acting, and his dating life. But one of his lesser-known hobbies is collecting VHS tapes.

That’s right, VHS tapes. You know, those big, clunky things that we used to watch movies on before DVDs and streaming?

Well, Pete is a big fan of VHS tapes, and he’s been collecting them for the past three years. He’s even bought up all of the sealed VHS tapes that exist.

Why? Because he thinks they’re going to be worth a lot of money in the future.

He’s pointed to the recent sale of an original Rocky trilogy in sealed VHS tape form that went for a combined $53,750 at auction.

“It’s my GameStop,” Davidson said excitedly. “Dude, I own all of them. No one believed in me.”

Of course, there’s always the risk that his investment will go bust. After all, who knows if people will still be interested in VHS tapes in the future?

But Pete is confident that his investment will pay off. He’s even said that if it doesn’t, he’ll just have to be on the road forever.

So, is Pete Davidson’s VHS tape investment scheme genius or madness? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure: it’s definitely unique.

Gossip Angle:

Some people are skeptical of Pete Davidson’s VHS tape investment scheme. They think it’s crazy to put so much money into something that is essentially obsolete.

Others think that Pete is a genius. They think that he’s ahead of the curve and that VHS tapes will make a comeback in the future.

Only time will tell who is right. But one thing is for sure: Pete Davidson’s VHS tape investment scheme is a hot topic of conversation.

Only time will tell what happens to Pete Davidson’s VHS tape investment. But one thing is for sure: it’s an interesting story.

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