Prince Harry Blames British Tabloids for Royal Rift and Sheds Light on Legal Battles

Prince Harry has never been one to shy away from expressing his grievances, especially when it comes to the British tabloids. In a revealing new documentary, “Tabloids on Trial,” the Duke of Sussex delves into how the relentless pursuit of the press and the royal family’s unwillingness to combat it have fueled the ongoing rift between him, his father King Charles III, and his brother Prince William. Here’s the inside scoop on what Prince Harry had to say about the role of tabloids in the royal feud and his ongoing legal battles against them.

The Tabloid Trouble

A Royal Pain

In the ITV documentary, Harry candidly discusses the impact of British tabloids on his life and family dynamics. “I think that’s certainly a central piece to it,” Harry told ITV’s Rebecca Barry. He believes the tabloid’s invasive practices and the royal family’s passive stance against them significantly contributed to their strained relationships. “Anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press,” Harry lamented.

Phone Hacking Scandal

The documentary focuses on the infamous 2011 phone hacking scandal, where Harry was revealed to be a victim of hacking and other illegal snooping by at least one major U.K. tabloid during the 1990s and 2000s. Since then, Harry has been on a mission, bringing lawsuits against multiple British publishing companies, including News Group Newspapers and Mirror Group Newspapers, for invasion of privacy.

Legal Battles and Family Fallout

Harry’s Lawsuits

Harry’s legal crusade against the tabloids is a significant part of his efforts to seek justice and protect his privacy. “I’ve made it very clear that this is something that needs to be done, it would be nice if we did it as a family,” Harry said, expressing his disappointment that the royal family has not joined his fight. “For me, the mission continues, but yes, it’s caused part of a rift.”

Prince William’s Secret Settlement

In a surprising revelation during litigation against News Group Newspapers in April 2023, Harry’s legal team alleged that Prince William privately settled with the Rupert Murdoch-owned company over a claim of phone hacking. According to court documents, William’s settlement was aimed at avoiding a scenario where a royal would have to testify and recount the details of intercepted voicemails.

Harry claimed that this secret agreement, authorized by their grandmother Queen Elizabeth II, prevented him from bringing his case to court originally. The settlement came to light as News Group Newspapers argued that Harry’s lawsuit was filed too late, but Harry used his brother’s secret deal to justify the timing of his own lawsuit. A judge ruled in Harry’s favor, allowing the litigation to continue.

Victories Against Mirror Group Newspapers

Settlements and Damages

Harry has seen some success in his legal battles, particularly against Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN). In a February 2023 hearing, Harry’s attorney, David Sherborne, announced a settlement where MGN would cover Harry’s legal costs and damages, along with an interim payment of £400,000 ($505,000) for invading his privacy through phone hacking.

Two months prior, Harry was awarded $177,000 in damages after a judge found that phone hacking was “widespread and habitual” at MGN throughout the 1990s and 2000s, and that company executives had covered it up. “As the judge has said this morning, we have uncovered and proved the shockingly dishonest way the Mirror Group acted for many years and then sought to conceal the truth,” Harry stated.

MGN’s Response

Following the settlements, MGN issued a statement expressing their satisfaction with the agreement. “We are pleased to have reached this agreement, which gives our business further clarity to move forward from events that took place many years ago and for which we have apologized,” the statement read.

Public Reaction

Mixed Opinions

Public reaction to Harry’s statements and legal battles has been mixed. Supporters admire his determination to hold the tabloids accountable and his courage to speak out against the injustices he’s faced. Critics, however, question the impact of his actions on the royal family and his motivations behind the lawsuits.

Continued Mission

Despite the divided opinions, Harry remains resolute in his mission. He continues to advocate for privacy and justice, hoping that his efforts will bring about change not just for himself, but for others who have been wronged by invasive media practices.


Prince Harry’s candid revelations in the ITV documentary “Tabloids on Trial” shed light on the significant role British tabloids have played in the royal rift. His ongoing legal battles against these media giants underscore his commitment to seeking justice and protecting his privacy. As Harry continues his mission, the world watches closely, eager to see the outcomes of his relentless pursuit for truth and accountability.

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