Russell Brand Denies “Very Serious Criminal” Allegations, Calls Them “Aggressive Attacks”

Russell Brand, the 48-year-old actor and comedian, has addressed allegations of past “promiscuous” behavior, characterizing them as “very serious criminal” claims. In a video shared on his social media, Brand vehemently refuted the allegations, describing them as “extremely egregious and aggressive attacks.” The accusations come ahead of a 90-minute U.K. ‘Dispatches’ special investigation episode set to air on Saturday.

Brand’s Response to Allegations: Brand stated in the video, “I’ve received two extremely disturbing letters, or a letter and an email, one from a mainstream media TV company, one from a newspaper, listing a litany of extremely egregious and aggressive attacks.” While he did not disclose the specific entities involved, the video coincides with the upcoming Dispatches episode.

Addressing the Timeframe and Consent: Brand clarified that the allegations pertain to a period of his life characterized by self-described “promiscuity.” He emphasized that all relationships during that time were consensual, and he was consistently transparent about his conduct.

Speculation on Motives: Brand expressed his belief that his voice and perspectives were not endorsed by mainstream media, and he suggested an agenda to control his narrative. He highlighted the presence of witnesses whose accounts contradicted the narratives presented by the media outlets.

Closing Remarks: While Brand acknowledged the seriousness of the allegations, he conveyed his intention to investigate the matter further. He urged his audience to stay vigilant and, above all, to prioritize personal freedom.

Channel 4’s Special Investigation Episode: Channel 4 has scheduled a 90-minute special Dispatches investigation episode, airing from 9 p.m. to 10:35 p.m. local time. The episode will also be re-broadcast on Sunday night at 10:50 p.m. local time.

Response from Representatives: As of now, representatives for Russell Brand have not provided additional comments in response to the allegations.

Conclusion: Russell Brand’s firm denial of the “very serious criminal” allegations underscores the gravity of the situation. The upcoming Dispatches episode and Brand’s outspoken response shed light on the evolving narrative surrounding these claims, emphasizing the complexities of addressing such allegations in the public eye.


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