Renowned author Michael Lewis, known for his latest work “Going Infinite,” has sparked heated debates over his portrayal of Sam Bankman-Fried, the once-mighty figure in the crypto world who is now facing a barrage of criminal charges linked to FTX’s collapse.
In a recent interview with ABC News, Lewis staunchly defended his narrative, dismissing critics as “crazy.” He emphasized the multifaceted nature of the story, highlighting the divergent perspectives presented by both the defense and prosecution. Lewis’s account introduces fresh layers of information that prompt readers to consider a range of possibilities.
Drawing parallels to a “lynch mob mentality,” Lewis critiqued the swift rush to judgment surrounding FTX’s downfall. He urged caution, cautioning against a premature certainty about events. Having spent extensive time with Bankman-Fried while writing the book, Lewis refrained from offering a definitive stance on whether the crypto mogul knowingly committed fraud, opting instead to leave the question open for readers to ponder.
Lewis’s book, “Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon,” coincided with the commencement of Bankman-Fried’s criminal fraud trial. Bankman-Fried faces an array of charges related to FTX’s dramatic collapse, including fraud and conspiracy. His plea is one of innocence.
FTX, once valued at $32 billion, plunged into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2022 following a weeklong liquidity crisis, marking a significant turning point for the exchange.
As Lewis’s work continues to spark fervent discussions, it remains to be seen how his portrayal of the complex saga surrounding Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX will resonate with readers seeking a deeper understanding of this gripping financial tale.