The Mystery of Trump’s Mane: Doc Unveils Possible Hair Procedures, From Plugs to FUE

Donald Trump’s hair has always been a source of intrigue, and a new analysis by a facial plastic surgeon has reignited the discussion. Dr. Gary Linkov, a New York City expert, took a deep dive into Trump’s hair journey, speculating on the procedures he might have undergone to maintain his signature style.

From Natural Part to Comb-Over:

Linkov analyzed photos of Trump from childhood to 2018, highlighting changes in his hairline and overall fullness. He suggests early signs of hair loss were masked by combing his hair to the right, potentially concealing thinning areas.

Possible Procedures Through the Years:

It’s important to note that these are just speculations, and Enstarz cannot independently verify Dr. Linkov’s claims.

Hair Color Conundrum:

Adding to the hair mystery, Trump’s ever-changing hair color has also been a topic of discussion. An insider claims his color ranges from “dark blond to light orange,” depending on his hairstylist’s success in keeping him still.

Whether natural or enhanced, Trump’s hair remains a conversation starter. This analysis adds another layer to the mystery, sparking questions and fueling speculation.

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