Tucker Carlson Blazes His Own Path with New Streaming Service, Leaving Behind “Dying Animal” Fox News

Megyn Kelly, former Fox News anchor, has lauded Tucker Carlson’s launch of his own subscription news service, Tucker Carlson Network (TCN), calling it “the best thing that ever happened” to him and “a great thing for America.”

Kelly’s statement reflects Carlson’s own view of his departure from Fox News in April 2023. He describes his former employer as a “dying animal” and sees TCN as a “new exciting horse” that will carry him “all the way to his dying day.”

A Continuation of Carlson’s Bold Commentary:

TCN is an extension of Carlson’s existing video commentary on X, formerly Twitter. While acknowledging the platform’s significance as “an amazing venue” and “the world’s last big free-speech platform,” Carlson acknowledges its limitations in delivering longer-form content.

TCN’s Promise:

Carlson promises TCN will offer “a lot of material, a lot of news, a lot of facts, a lot of thoughtful opinions” to subscribers for $9 per month. He also aims to “reshape the world” by rebuilding the “huge library” lost after his departure from Fox News.

Maintaining a X Presence:

Despite launching his own platform, Carlson emphasizes his continued presence on X. He recognizes its importance as a platform for free speech and sees it as valuable for sharing his insights on global changes, particularly America’s role in the world.

Concerns About Platform Choice:

While Carlson’s move to a subscription-based platform allows for greater freedom and control, it raises concerns about accessibility and potential echo chambers. Critics argue that such models can limit reach and contribute to the spread of misinformation.

Elon Musk’s Influence:

Carlson’s praise of X and his continued presence on the platform come amidst Elon Musk’s recent decision to reinstate controversial figures like Alex Jones. This raises questions about the future of content moderation and platform responsibility in the age of free speech absolutism.

TCN’s Significance:

The launch of TCN marks a significant shift in media landscape. It offers a case study for the future of news consumption and the growing influence of individual voices in a fragmented media ecosystem. Whether TCN succeeds in reshaping the world remains to be seen, but its existence undoubtedly influences the conversations about free speech, media responsibility, and the future of journalism.

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