Former White House Lawyer: Trump “Criminally Liable” for January 6th Insurrection

In a recent interview, former White House lawyer Ty Cobb said that former President Donald Trump is “criminally liable” for the January 6th insurrection. Dean said that Trump’s actions leading up to and on the day of the insurrection were “criminal” and that he should be held accountable.

Ty Cobb comments come as the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection continues its investigation. The committee has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and has obtained a trove of documents. The committee is expected to issue a report on its findings later this year.

If the committee finds that Trump is criminally liable for the insurrection, it could refer him to the Department of Justice for prosecution. However, it is up to the Department of Justice to decide whether or not to charge Trump.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has called the January 6th investigation a “witch hunt.” He has also claimed that the election was stolen from him, even though there is no evidence to support this claim.


Ty Cobb comments are significant because he is a respected legal expert and a former White House lawyer. His comments suggest that Trump’s actions leading up to and on the day of the January 6th insurrection may have been criminal.

However, it is important to note that Ty Cobb  comments are just his opinion. The Department of Justice has not yet decided whether or not to charge Trump.

If the Department of Justice does decide to charge Trump, it will be up to a jury to decide whether or not he is guilty. Trump is a very popular figure among Republicans, and it is possible that a jury would not be willing to convict him, even if the evidence against him is strong.

The January 6th insurrection was a serious event that threatened the foundations of American democracy. It is important to hold those responsible for the insurrection accountable, regardless of their political affiliation.

My opinion:

I believe that the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection is doing important work. The committee is uncovering the truth about what happened on January 6th and is holding those responsible accountable.

I hope that the Department of Justice will carefully consider the evidence gathered by the House Select Committee and that it will make a fair decision about whether or not to charge Trump.

I also hope that the American people will learn from the events of January 6th and that we will work together to protect our democracy.

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