In the heart of Gaza City’s Al-Saha market, an unconventional perfume shop named “Hijaz” is making a bold statement against the Israeli blockade. The shelves are adorned with rocket-shaped vials, a defiant symbol echoing the struggles of the besieged coastal territory.
Shop owner Hamza Abu Saraya, the creative mind behind this fragrant venture, conceived the idea during the Israel-Gaza conflict in 2021. The war saw a barrage of airstrikes and rocket exchanges between Israel and Palestinian militant groups, resulting in significant loss of life. Hamas and Islamic Jihad, both labeled as terrorist groups by Israel and the EU, played a central role in the conflict.
Upon entering Hijaz, visitors are enveloped in a cloud of incense, mingling with the floral aroma emanating from these miniature iron rockets. Each vial bears the name of the projectile it symbolizes, a testament to the resilience of the Gaza Strip.
These tiny rocket models, available for approximately $13 each, contain imported perfumes expertly blended by local workers in Gaza. The strip currently lacks its own indigenous perfume brands.
For patrons, purchasing these unique fragrances transcends a mere transaction; it’s a powerful gesture of solidarity with Palestinian resistance against the Israeli blockade and the occupation of the West Bank. While Israel asserts the blockade’s purpose is to curb militant armament, Palestinians argue that the restrictions on movement in and out of Gaza have led to collective suffering and economic stagnation.
Customer Islam Abu Hamdallah encapsulates the sentiment, stating, “I love resistance. It’s an art piece in my house.”