Kim Kardashian’s Shifting Relationship with Donald Trump

Kim Kardashian and former President Donald Trump once had a cordial relationship, with Kardashian even advocating for Trump’s clemency efforts. However, the relationship soured after the 2020 election, with Trump reportedly hanging up on Kardashian after she approached him about clemency efforts. This shift in the relationship highlights the growing divide between Trump and those who once supported him.

Kim Kardashian and former President Donald Trump

Kardashian’s Advocacy for Clemency

Kardashian first came to Trump’s attention in 2018 when she met with him in the Oval Office to discuss prison reform and sentencing. Days after the meeting, Trump granted clemency to Alice Johnson, who was serving a life sentence on nonviolent drug and money laundering charges. Kardashian praised Trump’s decision, saying that he had done “something amazing.”

Kardashian continued to advocate for clemency during Trump’s presidency, and she reportedly urged him to grant more commutations. However, Trump reportedly demanded a quid pro quo in exchange for granting clemency, asking Kardashian to leverage her celebrity connections to get football stars to visit him at the White House. Kardashian reportedly tried to fulfill Trump’s request, but she was unsuccessful.

Trump’s Reported Hang-up

After Trump left office in 2021, Kardashian reached out to him about snagging his support for other clemency efforts. However, Trump reportedly refused, telling Kardashian, “Hell no. You voted for Biden and now you come asking me for a favor?” Trump reportedly then hung up on Kardashian.

Trump’s reported hang-up highlights the growing divide between him and those who once supported him. Kardashian is one of many former Trump allies who have become disillusioned with him after the 2020 election.

Implications for Kardashian and Trump

The shift in the relationship between Kardashian and Trump has a number of implications for both of them. For Kardashian, it suggests that she is no longer willing to overlook Trump’s flaws in order to advocate for clemency. For Trump, it suggests that he is becoming increasingly isolated from those who once supported him.

Overall, the shift in the relationship between Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump is a significant development. It highlights the growing divide between Trump and those who once supported him, and it has implications for both of them.

Additional Considerations


The shift in the relationship between Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump is a sign of the times. It reflects the growing divide in American politics, and it has implications for both Kardashian and Trump.

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