Resurfacing Steele Dossier Truthers: Trump’s “Golden Showers” Allegations Reignite Conspiracy Theories

Fort Dodge, Iowa – A long-dormant group of Steele Dossier truthers has been revived, fueled by a seemingly innocuous detail revealed by former President Donald Trump at a recent rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

During the rally, Trump, known for his penchant for revisiting past controversies, once again delved into the unverified and debunked allegations against him from the 2016 election. In particular, he recounted a conversation with his wife, Melania Trump, about the “golden showers” claims made in the infamous Christopher Steele dossier.

Trump’s mention of the number of prostitutes involved in the alleged incident, specifically four, has piqued the interest of Steele Dossier truthers, who are now interpreting it as an admission of guilt. This interpretation stems from the fact that the Steele dossier itself does not specify the number of prostitutes, only stating “a number.”

The resurgence of Steele Dossier truthers is a testament to the enduring power of conspiracy theories in today’s political landscape. Despite a lack of concrete evidence, these theories continue to find fertile ground in a society increasingly divided along partisan lines.

Trump’s Motives

One may question Trump’s motives for revisiting these discredited allegations, especially in an already polarized political climate. One plausible explanation lies in the reaction of his supporters.

Trump’s supporters, who have demonstrated a willingness to blindly accept his claims, are likely to view his reference to the Steele dossier as further confirmation of their beliefs. This, in turn, reinforces their loyalty to Trump and bolsters his political standing.

Additionally, Trump’s repeated rehashing of these allegations serves as a distraction from current issues and allows him to maintain the narrative of being a victim of a “witch hunt.” This deflection of attention away from his own shortcomings and onto perceived enemies is a well-worn tactic in Trump’s political playbook.

The Danger of Conspiracy Theories

The resurgence of Steele Dossier truthers highlights the dangers of conspiracy theories. These theories often prey on people’s anxieties and fears, offering simplistic explanations for complex events. In doing so, they can distort reality, sow mistrust, and hinder constructive dialogue.

The political divide in the United States has created an environment where conspiracy theories thrive. As people retreat into their partisan bubbles, they become more susceptible to misinformation and less inclined to engage with opposing viewpoints.


The reappearance of Steele Dossier truthers is a reminder of the tenacity of conspiracy theories and their potential to disrupt rational discourse. While Trump’s motives may be rooted in political expediency, the consequences of these theories extend beyond the realm of politics. They contribute to a society increasingly divided by distrust and misinformation, hindering progress and undermining the foundations of a healthy democracy.

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